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ER...va42 Klaus Obermaier :: Drkontra :: VJ Vigas

ER...va42 Klaus Obermaier :: Drkontra :: VJ Vigas

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Mittwoch, 13 Juni 2018

Telenoika Carrer Sant Pau 58. Baixos 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spagna

  • Mittwoch, 13 Juni 2018 | Telenoika Carrer Sant Pau 58. Baixos 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spagna

Workshops & learning

[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Erva stands for “Experimentació i Reflexió al Voltant de l’Audiovisual”.
The sessions ER...VA aim at dynamizing and showing the emergent scene dedicated to the audio visual experimentation.
They take form in a set of sessions taking place throughout the years 2012 and 2013 in different places and presenting different themes with the main focus always on the audio visual experimentation.
Erva focuses also on the connection with other events taking place around the territory. The majority of events take place in Telenoika’s headquarter but sometimes they are set elsewhere.
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Erva stands for “Experimentació i Reflexió al Voltant de l’Audiovisual”.
The sessions ER...VA aim at dynamizing and showing the emergent scene dedicated to the audio visual experimentation.
They take form in a set of sessions taking place throughout the years 2012 and 2013 in different places and presenting different themes with the main focus always on the audio visual experimentation.
Erva focuses also on the connection with other events taking place around the territory. The majority of events take place in Telenoika’s headquarter but sometimes they are set elsewhere.

H 19:00
Escultura Lumínica Interactiva
“CONTACTO” By Vigas (Leandro Mendes) is an interactive work that enables the visitor to control both the light and the sound with his hand. Through a sensor the lights are modulated in sync with the sound’s effects which are produced live, contributing to the creation of an immersive and unique experience for the visitor.
On the basis of artificial intelligence development, the artist simulates a first contact between the man and the machine with a non understandable language thus stimulating the relation between the two entities. An allusion to operating systems which are becoming every day more and more uncertain.

H 20:00
FACELESS_VOICELESS . by Klaus Obermaier

Audiovisual performance / 35 min
by Klaus Obermaier

FACELESS_VOICELESS is a continuously expanded series of works focussing on Klaus Obermaier's longterm artistic research in nonverbal communication with facial and corporeal expressions and paralanguage and moreover in the human body as the interface between the real and the virtual, as an object of constant redefinition and reinvention.
The live interaction between sound, movement, gestures, voice and visuals form an immersive environment, where the body talks, the face screams, the visuals sound and the voice cracks.

H 21:00
Wall of Darkness 0.2 . by DRKONTRA


Wall of Darkness 0.2
Concierto Audiovisual / Live cinema 30 min
Wall of darkness is an astronomical term used to define “the deep space” and it is also the name of the short novel by Arthur C. Clarke characterized by “fictional math”, where geometry and oddity are described in the framework of impossible universes.
