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LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting

LPM 2011 - Live Performers Meeting

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19 // 22 Mai 2011

Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Roma, Italy

  • 19 // 19 Mai 2011 | VJ TORNA Pre-Production, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Roma, Italy
  • 20 // 22 Mai 2011 | Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Roma, Italy


Monochrome Clack

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Monochrome Clack
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] This installation is a painting accompanied by projection and music. The animation follows the structure of the painting, by mapping on it. Both the still and moving images are composed of various parts and the visual loops correspond to the elements of the original black and white avant garde painted "assemblage". Chance plays a great role at the meeting point of the sequential fragments of the different layers. The music is a chimera of sound and spoken word.

With its geometric forms and constructivist tendencies, the most typical example of inspirations behind the work is Bauhaus, see forinstance, the painting-installation by László Moholy-Nagy entitled Black- White-Grey Lightplay. Éva Köves’s original paintings are linkedto that school’s specific ways of creating images, as well as the usage of innovative techniques. The computer animation that is projectedover the canvas, together with the music and spoken word, work to establish a close relationship among the different genres enhancing thescenic, prosaic, as well as lyric world of constructivism. The reused spoken texts that react to the audience participation and Tomita'sanalogue rework of the classical piece Pictures of an Exhibition by Mussorgsky all reinforce the practice of concrete art from the samemodernist tradition.

The mapping project is an installationthat could go on duringthe whole meeting, and we are planningto make a 25-30 minute LIVE INPROVISATIVEPERFORMANCE too


www.vimeo.com/11602792 [http:// www.vimeo.com/11602792]

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

- forthe painting:

5-6 meters long and 4 meters highwall

- visuals:

projector (4500-5000 ansi lumen)


DVD player



(forthe 25 minute performance:

DJmixer (preferrably Pioneer)


  • AV Performance
Ping Pong Tablets
Ping Pong Tablets

Hungary Budapest
