Zurück an die Spitze
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Annapaola Monte aka Kitech: borned in Trieste, the 29th of November 1982, under the sign of Sagittarius, as a joke since she was young throwing arrows into the unknown, hoping that her dreams could turn into shape: one day in between the colors of the music these thoughts appeared in a mix of images in a continual movement. New little worlds, alive, dynamic and alternately dark and bright carried by sound vibrations. A fusion...[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Annapaola Monte aka Kitech: borned in Trieste, the 29th of November 1982, under the sign of Sagittarius, as a joke since she was young throwing arrows into the unknown, hoping that her dreams could turn into shape: one day in between the colors of the music these thoughts appeared in a mix of images in a continual movement. New little worlds, alive, dynamic and alternately dark and bright carried by sound vibrations. A fusion of nature and energy (Ki) based on the constant presence of (Tech)nology.

Aufführungen (1)

Aufnahmen (1)