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Sonic Garbage

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Sonic Garbage
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Every phonographer, sound recordist and artist who deals with environmental and concrete sound, aims during the recording process to achieve the best possible quality for his/her recordings. Nevertheless recording process artifacts or accidents often 'contaminate' the recording; wind distortion, clipping due to high gain, microphone or device handling noise, on/off switch sounds, are just a few examples of undesired aural events which usually occur within a recorded sound file, before any processing or editing has taken place.
During the editing process, the sound artist removes those unwanted artifacts and usually discards them as some kind of sonic garbage.

The piece 'Sonic Garbage' by L. Messinezis, is inspired by the idea of recycled materials that are used for artistic purposes. It is an effort to appreciate those unwanted artefacts for their acousmatic qualities and exploit their aesthetic potential.
The performance is a live demonstration of recycling sonic garbage and using them as base components in creating an original time based concrete composition.

Due to the importance of the meaning of acousmatics, the artist will perform the piece behind a curtain, following the pythagorean principle (this is optional if the festival cannot provide it)

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

PA Stereo Diffusion System and a curtain or blindfolds for the audience (optional)

  • Project showcase


Luc Messinezis
Luc Messinezis

Greece Athens