Zurück an die Spitze


  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Cell Infadel's CXXD tells an underground world through wise atmospheres. They allow nearly the discovery of landscapes in which scratches and synths resonate harmonious.
EriNav attempts to describe them through a winding path, it looks silent factories, beings who deny time, artifacts that unleash uncontrollable energy.

Cell Infadel's CXXD on bandcamp : http://cellinfadel.bandcamp.com/
EriNav on Flxer : https://flxer.net/eerrii/

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

This performance requires a video projection on sheet(or white wall) and music performed on a laptop.
We need a projector and soft light generator because they are hard to transport on a flight.
Other technical support could be required but we want to see the performance's area before ask for it.

  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics


Cell Infadel // EriNav
Cell Infadel // EriNav

Italy , Germany Berlin


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
Donnerstag, 31 Mai 2012

Videos (1)