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DigitalBombing - Roman Doors edition

  • AV Installation
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DigitalBombing - Roman Doors edition
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] DigitalBombing X Roman Doors edition

"Bombing : To bomb or hit is to paint many surfaces in an area. Bombers often choose to paint throw-ups or tags instead of complex pieces, as they can be executed more quickly."

DigitalBombing is an interactive installation that speaks about graffiti and urban vandalism. This project was born from the collaboration with the Instagram page Roman Doors, an artistic photo project focused on the photo of the tags that covers many surfaces of the eternal city. In fact, the photos of this page, is focused on how this amount of tags made by different writers (or vandals), coexist together on the same surface, to create a pattern of tags.

In this installation, the audience will be able to create their own writer name and tag on some real objects presents in the room. The tags will be digitalized and will randomly appear in the room, so the composition is constantly changing and the composition will change every time that someone will join the room and write his tag name on the installation.

Roman Doors on Ig


Join the Augmented Reality Graffiti experience!!

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

A room or a part of a room as projection space

Was die Künstler bringen

Projectors, Arduino, one macbook with Max msp and VDMX, customized calligraphy " sensors"

  • AV Installation



Italy Roma


LPM 2019 Rome
LPM 2019 Rome
02 // 05 Mai 2019