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[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Artistic content

This artistic performance is an interplay between contemporary dance and computer-generated imagery aimed at conveying the feelings of a bipolar person through sound, dance and video. Being transported from a state of intense energy via passionate love to the utter void, the spectator is drawn into the chaotic and subversive universe of a tortured soul.

The cast:

François Moncarey, 1979 Computer programmer, artistic creator After completing his training in robotics engineering François decided to focus on developing his creativity by going to Gobelins School of the Image. Having ten years of experience as a multimedia designer, he considers computer programming a form of art. Having used video on a regular basis throughout his career François became particularly interested in algorithm-generated video, which allows interactions with the tangible world. His interest in corporal expression hence led him to imagine original performances inspired by the blending of virtual and tangible art. François’s creations are based on the movements of nature, which gives coherence to the psychedelic blend of two distinct art forms. Using algorithms, natural phenomena can be imitated and reproduced in computer-generated forms. Fluid mechanics and flocking equations are amongst the mathematical formula used, the latter reproducing the movements of bird flocks. Increased reality is a core element of this concept. Upon being captured by an infrared transmitter and infrared camera, the actor-dancer’s movements are transcribed and projected onto a screen, wall or other type of support. The project was first developed with Processing, a user-friendly electronic sketchbook for developing ideas. To further improve its robustness and efficiency it was then transcribed into C++, a statically typed, free-form, multi- paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language.

Kevin Ramseier, 1985 Dancer, actor Kevin studied drama at the Geneva Conservatory and has been an active member of various dance companies. In 2008 he joined the Studio des Bains with the intention of dedicating himself entirely to his passion: dancing. Dance scripts and choreography being as much of interest to Kévin as the performance in itself, he likes to investigate any new kind of scenic expression techniques. He considers computer-generated imagery to be a revolutionary tool, which envelops the dancer in a numerical universe and produces an illusion until the body and projected imagery seem to merge and become one. Technical support Most of the logistics necessary for the performance (video-projection system, video cameras, transmitters) are provided by CENC. However CENC requires the supply, by the organisers, of a sound system with strong bass capability. Program 1- November Writing of the script: collaboration between choreographer and programmer. 2- December to January Development of the software using Processing. 3- End of January to March Artistic residence granted by the association ADDN (Lyon). Further advances in the creation and rehearsal of the performance in residences and workshops in Geneva and other places. 4- March to September Performance in various festivals (dance, video, pluridisciplinary).

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

we just need a soundsystem and a infrared light projector

we need 1 hour to instal our special screen

  • AV Performance



Switzerland Geneva