Zurück an die Spitze

Dithernoise and Maria Kovaleva

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic
  • Likes
Dithernoise and Maria Kovaleva
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Dithernoise live AV set will be exploring the interaction with dance to create a theatrical performance piece, the theme of the exploration will be meditation and body expression in connection with sound and video- movement healing and field of energy.
The live set stage should be arranged in a way to allow the projection beamed to the projector screen at 45 degrees angel projecting images on a side wall and floor and on the dancer body, the stage should be approximately 4 m wide, the projector screen and floor should be white, the stage should be at the same level of the audience to allow the view of the floor and side screen, the loudspeaker and the performance table should be placed at the same level and the sound and video set up table should be in front of the loudspeaker not at the rear.

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

sound system and projection on a stage, projection should be on a screen with a dancer in the projection field loudspeakers should be in front of the performers.

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Electroacoustic



United Kingdom London