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Ekaj Project Live

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Ekaj Project Live
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] EKAJ PROJECT

is born by the meeting in Berlin of 2 italian artists ; Luca Reale: Digital Analog Visuals working on laptop, controllers, vhs, Super8 Alessandro Quintavalle: playing up-right bass,electric bass, efx ,radio & objects .Impro Noise Live Music across a visual research always changing the way of the view

www.myspace.com/ekajpro [http://www.myspace.com/ekajpro]

The first Live performance was in Salon Bruit (berlin), aalled "DC" and focused on the Italian Mafias massacres connected to the Politic from the oldies 50' s to the Present across the changeless in the 90' s . www.youtube.com/watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1i-hHXu_R0]

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

Luca Reale: Digital Analog Visuals working on laptop, controllers, vhs, Super8

Alessandro Quintavalle: playing up-right bass,electric bass, efx ,radio & objects .

  • AV Performance



Italy Bologna

Videos (1)