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Ivisible Beast

  • AV Performance
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Ivisible Beast
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] "Invisible Beast" is Audio/Video Participatory installation that highlights the relationship between dogma (still image) and perceived (self generating visual system) by means of creation neo–metaphysical ritual that has no theological base it allows the viewer freedom to form personal relation to the sublime

By empowering the public to be integrated into an otherwise foreign process, self expression is allowed to finally take foothold in common everyday activities, breaking down boundaries of class and education with an outcome that benefits from the world’s widened horizon. With such accessibility encouraging experimentation leading to the cognizant recognition of creativity’s supreme importance and Art’s intrinsic value, a new path is laden for which the future may follow. These New Temple parishioners are of the Old Nubian breed well beyond any Huxleyan characterization.

Building a foundation from the spiritual essence of multi-religious references to combat the present void created by the fast paced overdevelopment of the technological life where fundamentalism grows rampantly, foddered by the manure of regression, Molochevski, Pearlman and Shin return to the oversimplified model of the cycle of life.

Recessing to the safety of familiarity feeds the archaic need for faith in knowledge falsely so-called while Generation Z blindly plays in the fields of fascination unknowingly distracted by the ever growing need to be current and updated.

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

I have everything that I need for the project, I would love to get an art stand 1.2 m in height, if not I can bring one my self. Projection mount would be a plus.

PS This is Interactive installation, it does not require a stage, black room with black wall would be a plus (i like to project on black)

  • AV Performance



United States Brooklyn

Videos (1)