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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop
  • Likes
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Notstandskomitee began as Electro-Industrial side project to Das Kombinat in 1991, developing an original style of postindustrial electronic minimal music working with all kinds of electronics, from analogue via digital to software. Malte Steiner started with electronic music in 1983 and works now as media artist, sound designer and software developer in Berlin.

Current Notstandskomitee performances are all-new done with Ableton Live, custom Max4Live patches and visuals programmed with the free open source game engine Panda3D, controlled via Osc from Max4Live.

Video in the gallery shows the older kind of performances which were given between 2011 - 2012

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

Technical rider Notstandskomitee
Notstandskomitee is an audiovisual laptop act, bringing its own submixer. From the organiser its needed to provide:

- typical stereo P.A. with monitor speakers and connectioncables big jack for left and right
- videoprojection on stage behind/beside performer, VGA cable from stage laptop to projector

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • IDM, Advanced Hip Hop



Germany Berlin


LPM 2013 Rome
LPM 2013 Rome
Sonntag, 26 Mai 2013

Videos (1)