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VjKlat meets Polosid

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VjKlat meets Polosid
[Text nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar] Polosid is an electro pop band with a strong 8bit imprint, infected with a uber-classic italodisco touch and rock&rolling vocals. the whole thing is performed usingselfmade arcade-style sound machines and futurist computer controlled cloathes that let you seeee the music. VjKlat controls the visual side: an overwhelming set of wild sprites, cinematic ispirations and erotic jokes!

Dauer (Minuten)


Was wird benötigt

corrente, proiettori e impianto a palla, una semplice entrata jack stereo bilanciata (anche cannon)

  • AV Performance


vjklat meets polosid
vjklat meets polosid

United Kingdom London, Italy Catania